The Transformation Is Mind-Blowing – A Homeless Dog Wanders The Streets Alone

Kindness Blog

There aren’t many things as heartbreaking as seeing an animal who knows nothing but a life of abuse and neglect. At the same time, there are few things as heartwarming as seeing that animal get the love and care they need.

This is Kelsey. She was a homeless stray, forced to wander the streets alone. She scrounged for food and was constantly put in harm’s way, navigating dangerous bridges and alleyways to stay alive. Finally, someone found her, and decided to save her life — documenting her journey the whole way through.

A Homeless DogAs the sun shone down on Kelsey’s body, it was easy to see just how bloody and battered her skin became while living on the streets. Instead of a white coat of healthy fur, Kelsey suffered sores and sunburns everywhere. Her body type and bulging ribs were a sign that she was starving to death.

A Homeless Dog

You’d think a…

View original post 264 more words

The Angry VEGAN

19594_546047325429906_1842923280_nI am often called an angry Vegan. I am not the fluffy lets all be friends and hug type, that went out the window years ago if it ever was. In most cases I try to educate in discussion, but my Russian temper often turns me into Ivan the terrible if people make callous stupid comments  like , who cares how they die they taste good. Or global warming  who cares fire up the grill YOLO ! Or I am told eating meat and dairy is a personal choice and I should mind my own business. The Problem is that those so called personal choices are severely impacting the lives of others , first the animals who’s life is being taken, then the million of starving in third world countries and then everybody else .


We as a species have killed and eradicated more other lifeforms than any other one in history. Our planet is in really bad shape and we are to blame . Sitting back and doing nothing cannot be the answer. I am vegan for Multiple reasons , yes of course for the animals, but also for my health , for the survival of our race and this planet. The industry and advertising would like to make us believe that most cows live their life peacefully out on pasture till it is time to come home be milked and fed. This is far from the truth … 80% of meat consumed in the U.S is raised on industrial feeding lots in South America and China, that number rises to a whopping 98% when we count in government surplus and school lunch meals. From the remaining percentage of young bovines raised for meat in the U.S only 30% are raised in an industrial farm environment and that is why most Americans still believe the fairy tale of the happy family farm. They are not aware that most of their meat comes from foreign countries and what it costs, the planet or the impoverished struggling nations we exploit to feed our lust for flesh. People could argument that it is not under our control what these nations do, people always find a way of shifting blame. The bitter truth is however, that more and more of those so called family farms are using factory farm practices; and that almost 80% of dairy cows raised in this country are raised in an industrial setting and never see the light of day .

So let us take a deeper look into the life of the average dairy cow and her children. If you are born in an average dairy farm they rip you away from your mother as soon as you are licked clean, sometimes even before that. You are either carted away in a wheelbarrow or by your leg while you scream for your mother and she screams for you; you never see her again. If you are lucky and are a girl you are sent to an industrial feeding lot where you are fed till you are old enough to have your own babies. If you are unlucky and are a boy you are in most cases bludgeoned to death, auctioned off as veal or sent off to be raised as someone dinner, to most humans your life has no value. So what is your life like as female cow?

If you are a female cow compared to your brother you might think you are lucky and for the first year, or so, of your existence that might be so. Even though you are denied running free you have a clean place to sleep and food everyday, but soon things will change. The first thing they do to you is what they call de-horning. You are locked in a mechanical device as your sensitive horns are cut off your head with pliers without pain killers. You scream yet no one comes to your rescue no one cares. Later when you are about 15 months old a human comes and “inseminates” you so you can have a baby and they can have your milk. Or they strap you in a rape rack and lead a bull to you to seal the deal, no matter how you resist you have no say in it. Basically they are violating your body, if you were a human they would call it sexual assault or rape but you are a cow you don’t matter to them. After an average 285 days you give birth, you are happy you love your baby. Then they come and take him or her from you. You scream and struggle but there is nothing you can do, you will never see your baby again. This process is repeated every year till you produce less milk as they expect you to and you are sent to slaughter.Now that you produce milk you more than likely will never see the light of day again. If you are lucky your facility is clean but more than likely it is not. The farmer or staff will impregnate you every year and they will take your baby every time. You will be fed some disgusting pallet food but you’re hungry and because producing milk takes a lot out of a body. They bread you to produce an obscene amount of milk but it comes with a cost, a cost to you- painful infections and fever so they pump you full of antibiotics and medicine. You are often depressed and when you are pregnant you become very agitated because you know they are going to take your child and you have nowhere to run. If you struggle they beat and torture you, you learn to remain as passive as possible but it does not always help. If you are strong you live like this for an average of 7 years, if you are frail you don’t make it past your second birthing. If you stumble if you can’t get up they label you a downed cow it’s a death sentence and no matter how scared you are no one is coming.

A picture says more than a thousand words a video even more here is some undercover footage shot in an average dairy farm in Ohio.


The end of a bovine > when those cows have been milked dry or to exhaustion we humans cart her of to slaughter. No matter how well a bovines life was in the end they all ace the same horrible practices in the end. What most people do not know is that although the cows are shot in the head with a bolt they are often still alive when their throat is cut and they are skinned. The process is horrid and the workers are often abusive and cruel. The industry would like to make you believe that the animals do not suffer, the truth is they do not only suffer they are terrified every second from arrival to point of death; some fight others shut down emotionally , but they are all very aware of their fate. If you do not believe me go to a slaughter house and watch. Humane slaughter is a myth and the only truly happy cows live in sanctuaries nowhere else! Oh and one more thing A cow’s natural lifespan is about 25 years we kill them between 0-7 years of age. How do I know all this? Because I worked on a farm when I was twenty, it was not a factory farm it was in fact the best possible farm environment for a cow a European eco farm, still what I saw there and the surrounding factory farms changed me forever.





Meat , Milk and Dairy and health > Despite what the meat and dairy industry would like to tell you Milk and dairy have been linked to the following illness heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, cancer and asthma. A Harvard study points to a direct coloration of high milk consumption and osteoporosis. The study explains that Dairy turns the body acidic and that it has to leach calcium from the bones to balance it out. This also explains why the countries that have the highest dairy consumption also have the highest osteoporosis rates. Still Advertising using Celebrities like “the got milk” campaign still sell us the lie and we literally poison our children and ourselves because we believe what we are told. Other studies point to milk , meat and dairy as cause for cancer one of them is the famous China study. The China Study was conducted by T. Colin Campbell, Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University, and his son Thomas M. Campbell II, a physician. The China-Cornell-Oxford Project was conducted over 20 years. It began 1983 and ended in 2003. During those 20 years blood work and dietary studies were conducted on over 6,500 people from in 65 regions in China. The study concluded that counties with a high consumption of animal products had substantially higher death rates from Cancer, diabetes and heart disease while these diseases were very uncommon for regions on a plant based diet.Now that scary isn’t it?



What the industry does to the planet and how its fucking YOUR FUTURE TOO! >Most People are not aware that the meat, dairy and fish industry are bringing us to the edge of extinction. It is predicted that if we do not change our fishing practices we will face a total collapse of our oceans marine wildlife by the year 2045 . Now you will more than likely be alive then so what does it mean for you ? The problem is our oceans produce over 80% of our breathable oxygen. The balance within our aquatic habitats are a delicate one, the loss of just one species impacts the balance greatly. If the projections are right the loss of all marine life could tip the balance and render the ocean sour and unable to produce the oxygen we need to survive. What fishing is doing in our oceans the Meat and Dairy industry is doing on land. In South and Central America our rainforests are being chopped down to make land for cattle. An area of the approximate size of a football field is decimated four seconds; that’s an area twice the size of Paris gone every day. That in turn equates to 13 million hectares or an area about the size of England, Greece or Nicaragua chopped down every year. ). So the question is what are we going to breath after 2045?
The Meat and Dairy industry are the Number one contributor to global warming, crazy as it sounds cow farts and even worse burps are producing such amounts of methane that it counts for 18% of green house gas causing emissions. You might think 18% does not sound like much, but what if I told you that the entire world transportation industry, this includes all boats, cars , drivable lawnmowers, motorcycles, rockets ships, space shuttles, ships ,tanks, trams, trains, trucks, planes, only hold a 13% stake.). Does this surprise you? That does not conclude all the damage this industry does the meat and Dairy industry is second in line when it comes to soil and water pollution, the Oil industry is in pole position there.



World hunger and how meat and dairy consumption makes you personally responsible > The meat and dairy industry and western societies lust for them is the number one reason for global hunger (next to political red tape) and ground water depletion. In a world were a child dies from hunger every 2-3 seconds consuming meat and dairy is just not sustainable practice. 70 percent of the world’s agricultural land is used to either grow feed for cattle or as graze land for cattle.More than 50% of U.S. grain and nearly 40 % of the entire world grain yield is fed to livestock .If this grain were fed to humans instead of bovines we could increase the global food supply by nearly 50%!That is an approximate 800 million people who could be fed if we took the gain from America cattle feed alone !Imagine this; the grain it takes to produce an average steak could feed 30 people a hearty meal of gains and veggies. How bitter must it be for these people to watch as the flesh of animals raised and fed with the grain produced on their land is being shipped and consumed in the first world while their children are dying of starvation. Fact is that if humanity does not change their behaviour there will be severe consequences in your immediate future change starts with the individual.



But don’t plants feel pain too? ->Plants do not have nervous systems like we do , but there have been some studies that suggest that they might have feelings and might be sentient. I have been giving it a lot of thought lately and am trying to evolve from vegan to fruitarian because of this. The fruitarian diet is the only real cruelty free diet out there. Plants produce there fruit for us to eat in hopes we will eat the seeds with it and carry their plant babies to a good place where they can thrive. I am not perfect and am still evolving step by step , but i get furious when people just have thins non caring attitude to what their actions are causing others. People like to say mind your own business the problem is it is no longer only their business when their actions are impacting the life quality of others. Its not like I can book a rocketship outta here to Beta Centauri. I am stuck with people who are literally threatening my personal survival but am told not to mention it or to let it go , or the whole personal choice crap. My grand mother lived to be 80 , my grandfather to be 98 …I do not want to spend my old age on a barren planet with extreme food shortages (predicted by the UN in the next 10 years if we don’t change) and little air to breath… So yes I am  AN ANGRY VEGAN and am going to be the uncomfortable fool on the soapbox as long as I have breath in me .

Namaste Alex



How 2 Grow And Plant Tomatoes

2 tomato

So my dears today I am posting something for My University on here.  The assignment was to create a learning activity and write a blog about it. Well we know I am all about self sustainability and what is more self sustainable then growing your own food? So today’s post will be how to grow tomatoes!

Why the Tomato because they are very healthy and good for you (are thought to ward off cancer, prevent DNA damage, reduce the risk of heart disease, protect against thrombosis and ward off inflammation )and because Tim and I discussed actually doing a second planting of them in our garden this year because our summers are so long.

Tomatoes are commonly thought to be a vegetable but they are actuality a citrus fruit. It is hard to believe that before the mid 1800’s they were almost unknown in the U.S and only then became the staple food we know today. The tomato’s botanical name is Lycopersicon esculentum, although it needs a lot of warmth and sun to grow it is versatile enough to grow at least one planting seasons in USDA Hardiness Zones: 2 through 10. Tomatoes need full sun exposure loamy (Soil composed of a mixture of sand, clay, silt, and organic matter) acidic soil is best for them.

So you want to grow and plant tomatoes- there are two routes you can take you can grow them from seeds or buy a young plant from your local farmers market or garden outlet.  You can either buy seeds or harvest them yourself. Now if you are harvesting your tomato seeds yourself you first need to make sure that the tomato you are getting them from is not a hybrid otherwise you will have no idea what kind of tomato you will grow from the seed they will not look  like the parent. Also My aunt Marie Helen the garden Queen told me never to plant different types of tomatoes together because they will cross pollinate and if you want seeds you will once again receive hybrids.

1 tomato

So you want to get your own seed-  that is actually really simple you cut your tomato in half then you pit out the pulp and seed and put them in a strainer; then you use clear water to wash off the pulp from the seeds till only they remain. Once you have your seeds you lay them on paper to dry et voila next year’s crop is right there waiting for you.

So now its late winter early spring about 6 to 8 weeks before springs last frost date now is the time to plant your little seeds. In an article on the subject I googled today the author Doreen Howard recommends using setting seed flats or pots on a heat mat to accelerate germination. Once the baby plants peek out their little heads she then removes the pads then uses gowlights two inches from the plant tops to complete the job. She recommends using a small oscillating fan directed at the plants for cooling, to check on the baby plants every day and to adjust the height of the lamp if needed to prevent them from being burnt.

Before you little green babies are ready for the big world you should prepare your soil for them. For best results you need to dote on them like a Jewish mother and plan your every move. Two weeks before transplanting your seedlings till your soil to about 1 foot and mix in aged manure and compost.

3 tomato

So now 6- 8 weeks later your babies are about a hand length long and are ready to graduate to moving outdoors. Make sure the last frost has passed and your soil is warm,  then choose a spot with full sun and well-drained soil where your plant receives at least 6 hours sunny goodness. If you live in a warmer climate as in Americas south you either have to water you plants a lot or choose a spot where they have a bit of afternoon shade so they won’t shrivel and die.

Plan where you want them to grow you will need stakes or cages later on to support them unless you have a lot of room and just want to let them spread out (Support systems really help prevent rot if you live in a humid climate). Plant your baby plants two feet apart from each other. Cut off a branch or two from the bottom leaves then plant the root ball deep enough so that the remaining lowest leaves are just above the surface of the soil. Then water generously tomatoes need a lot of water and keep watering generously for the first week. Keep watering your plants consistently they will repay your with yummy fruit. Five weeks after transplanting Mulch the soil around you tomato children to retain moisture. If you are limited on space you can plant your tomatoes in large planters and they will thrive just as well follow the above steps just in your little containers.

Tomatoes are susceptible to a verity of plant illness and pests.  The most common are tomato hornworms and whiteflies.  But there are a lot of other nasty little monsters that will go after your plants such as aphids, flea beetles and late blight, a nasty fungal disease that not only ruins your crops but also can contaminate your soil. You will recognize it if you see grey, moldy spots on the leaves and fruit of your plant which later turn brown. Sadly the only way to keep it contained is to destroy and throw away the affected plants. But do not put them in your compost of the fungus will contaminate you next crops all over again.

There is so much more to say about tomatoes but because this was just supposed to be a piece on how to plant them I will leave you with the two following videos as good bye note.  The first is on planting the second on planting and a little insight on some of the varieties of tomatoes out there.



Sources: My aunt Marie Helen, Myself and Doreen Howard and her blog  Tomatoes From Seed the Easy Way.

“Animal Rights is now the greatest Social Justice issue since the abolition of slavery.” – Philip Wollen

Excellent Blog Entry worth the read !

Girl for Animal Liberation

I am a vegan. Yeah, that’s right, VEGAN. I am also an animal rights activist.  Oh I can hear your comments and see your eyes rolling.  I know what you’re thinking — here we go again, another rebel, another radical, another troublemaker.  People who turn a blind eye and closed ears to animal rights assume those of us who protect and speak for the voiceless are nothing more than a pack of troublemakers.   

Think what you want.  Someone has to be the voice of animals. Someone has to fight against the brutality of slaughterhouses. Someone has to end the suffering of the innocent.  I am not interested in taking up space for the sake of taking up space because I feel I am superior to all other organisms on this planet. I am not going to sit idle, narcotize myself with fake “reality” TV, talk shit about people and spend my hard-earned money in…

View original post 2,154 more words

A little Help from our friends?



Dear friends and Supporters ❤

As most of you know what we do for the pooches and kitteh’s at Mutanthouse and those in the neighborhood comes out of our own pockets. Now we do get food donations for our animals (thank GOD and our Fairy DOGmother you know who you are) that help immensely but because we have a load of seniors and special needs pooches our vet bill is always up there. This year we have a especially aggressive flea season we tried to combat it with natural means such diatomaceous earth but it has failed miserably and we now have to roll in the big guns. 

Without taking any of our normal vet costs in account the treatment for all our animals for fleas and ticks  runs at 600$ a month . If we include heart worm treatments for everyone and all the other standard cost we are up to about 1000$ a month in vet costs alone. This does not include the stocking up on wound dressings, antibiotics and other medications for emergencies and the fools living around us who refuse to vet their animals.

Right now money is really tight right now at Mutanthouse,  because we had so many unexpected costs in saving Titine and trying to save Little Captain Jack Sparrow, and we could really use some help from you guys. The few donations that we have gotten in the past really helped and any amount counts and makes a difference. So if you can Help Here is the link >

Physical donations like frontline for dogs and cats are also more than welcome and appreciated.

Thank you for your continued interest in our project.


Alex ❤


Sing with titine


State of the Nation June 5, 2013 very very Long post!

Long time no post, I am well aware and apologise. Things have been quite chaotic here at Mutanthouse but we are working though it. Our financial situation is not the best but it has improved I (Alex) finally received my school funding and Tim has been getting more hours at work. All in all we are only 5 days late on the Mortgage and more money is coming in July which will bring us current.

All in all the past few months have been a challenge My health has been more than wonky, some of our furries had medical emergencies, and we had to take in new residents and some refugees. Once again we had to fight the false allegations of our nemesis across the street( the retched guardian of Poor Axel who we tried to save earlier this year) who has been calling the city and animal control on us claiming anything from that we are collecting trash behind the house to fighting our dogs. We are well aware it is retaliation for making his abuse and neglect of poor Axel Public and while the constant visitations from the law are frustrating they are also unfounded so there are no real consequences just annoyance. We can live with that, and do not regret trying to save his dog nor holding him accountable for his death!

New residents

cats and Kittehs:

In the past few Months we have taken in two more pooches in need and three more kittehs.
The first to Move in was little Oliver a male tuxedo cat who sat in front of Kay and Tim’s door and proclaimed he was moving in. Then there was little Sebastian who Kay found in the Wal-Mart parking lot and the last of the Kittehs to join was Bastet Delilah who like Oliver sat in front of the door for 3 days till we decided that one more won’t kill us. but someone in the cat underworld must be giving out our address because they keep shoeing up 😛

new cats

The ballad of Little Captain Jack Sparrow and Titine Atari Starfire Empress of Bahuahua:

This part is both sad and happy so brace yourselves. My daughter called me for help she had been trying to help a little boy puppy that was very ill and dying because his guardians forced him baby food when he had become too weak to suckle. The house the poor Pup lived in was a pestilent hell hole full of faeces and cockroaches. The people living there had 5 dogs, two males and 3 females, who all had puppies because those ignorant idiots refused to have all but one of their dogs spayed and neutered. All the puppies where flea and worm ridden and smelled so bad I almost vomited. From the first littler only one little eight week old female was left over. Overall she seemed to be in Ok shape although her belly was grossly extended due to parasite infestation. The second litter, to which the little male puppy belonged, were all four weeks old. All of them where under weight and parasite ridden but the little male was by far the worst off. I (Alex) decided to take him to our vet and whilst driving decided that he was not going to go back there if he would survive. We noticed that the little guy had only one eye and taking that for inspiration we named him Captain Jack Sparrow hoping that the Pirate’s luck in dodging death would rub off on the little guy. It seemed for a little while that he would make it but in the end the worm infestation was too severe and we lost him. I was devastated because he had fought so hard to live. We took Jack home and buried him under our Chinese plum. Although you where just with us for a few hours we love you little jack may you sail the sea of souls happily till we meet again I salute you <3.


We went back to the house of horror to update his former family and to deworm the remaining puppies. I also brought a shot for the little girl because her guardian said that she would not afford to give her her shots when I explained how dangerous Parvo was the woman told me she had had a previous littler that had died from it in the house. Yet she was giving me attitude and was not willing to let the puppy get her shots. 50$ later the pup was mine and we named her Titine Atari Starfire. In two weeks we will be deworming the remaining pups of horror house and will try to find them homes if possible . We are not sure how far these people will let us help though because they waver between threats and greed.

Meet Titine :


The Little girl has recovered well from her worm infestation and is growing like a weed. Titine is very popular of course Momma Moo has taken her under her wing and is (S)mothering her 😉 Wifi is completely in love with her and engages in long howl sessions. And she loves Her auntie Kay and Uncle Tim.



Wifi the magnificent:

As you can see in the Picture Our WiFi has grown up to be a strong young man. His problems with gait and running have vanished and he recovered well from his operation. In July he will be undergoing “the Procedure”. We will keep you updated.Our WiFi is very dramatic in nature and very vocal which got him the nick name Dennis Rodman of dogs :p We believe that if he where not a Dog he would be a drag queen with his own show in Hollywood. His favorite pastimes are eating, which is the reason of one of his other nicknames chubby or Chubbo. His best friends are Bhaaloo and Malcolm who he adores and little Titine is the apple of his eye.


Amyrah the Survivour:

Another success story is our Amyrah remember the little shy girl who was afraid of her own shadow well now she is a happy well adjusted girl who is part of the young pack. We are so happy she has found her way out of her shell 😀



So what else is new at Mutanthouse?

Well we had a few Birthdays. Moobert and Mooria turned 7 on March 10th, Bhaaloo turned 1 on April 3rd, I (Alex) Turned 45(ouch)on April 13th,Cassiopeia turned 6 on May 17th and Kay turned 33. The next Birthday coming up will be Tim’s on June 21st 🙂 Oh and Tim is training for the Boston Marathon and will be running a half marathon in Greensboro in October. Go TIM!


The cat room

We decided to clear out and rearrange the cat room we got rid of all the damaged toys and are currently working on turning several huge branches that was torn down during a storm into a giant cat tree. We will keep you updated on the progress.


As always the Vet bills are killing us between routine checkups, heartworm medication and shots between all our furry beings the cost are up there , add in the occasional rescue , us helping those who refuse to help their animals and random antecedents and the Pacman of wallets does his deed.

PicMonkey Collage

Our Bhaloo got into a scuffle needed an operation on his ear >

bhaaloo ear

Our Sophia has been struggling with her allergies and tested heartworm positive 😦 , we had a lot of Rabies shots last month and Harriet still has issues with her colitis.


If you would like to make a donation to help us with our vet costs or our project in general here is the link to our

WePay >


The refugees:


We have taken in some refugees at Mutanthouse My daughter Morgaine and her fiance Franky were evicted from their home. We decided to let them stay here with my grand furries Misty, Molly,Roy,Tequila and Garfield until things get better. because they are not vegans ands also are not currently interested in becoming part of the project there status here is defined as refugees 😉

The amazing Grand Furries:


The garden:

This years garden is very simple no raised beds no real structure but it is a garden and out first step into that venture, We have tomatoes,bell peppers,peppers, watermelons and squash. We have 2 fig trees , 2 banana trees and one pair tree. Our boison berries yelded great this year and we are expanding 🙂


As for myself My health has not been the best so I am trying to go completely raw vegan and want to see if I cannot fix my situation or at least massively improve it.One thing I am planning is to get a membership at the local YCWA so I can go swimming and get some exercise. Tim and I found a Farmers market and a family of farmers who are cutting us great deals so suddenly Raw seems achievable.  I will be documenting my progress on on a Facebook page called Reclaiming Life >

and on a Blog >

under the same name within the next days.
To date my fave raw dish is spiralised Zucchini with tomatoes 😀


So that concludes This monster Update, thank you for your interest and continued support. i leave you with this last bit of wisdom 😉




Alex’s Orange/Lemon Cake- Apfelsinen/Zitronen Kuchen

Zitronenkuchen einfach 076

Alex’s Orange/Lemon Cake- Apfelsinen/Zitronen Kuchen
(This is a revamped Vegan version of my Step-grandmothers recipe)

For the cake:
250grams or 1 cup (half a pound or 9 ounces) of Vegan Buttery spread (such as Earthbalance soy free)

250grams or 1 cup (half a pound or 9 ounces) of brown sugar

250grams or 1 cup (half a pound or 9 ounces) of organic wheat flower

One cup of freshly pressed orange juice

Add egg replacer for the equivalent of 4 eggs

1 and half tablespoons of baking powder

Mix ingredients together till smooth then pour batter into a greased 26cm (10 inch) Springform/pan. You can optionally choose to bake it in a greased brownie pan.

Bake at 175 Celsius (347 Fahrenheit) for 45 minutes then take out of oven and while still hot start poking holes into the cake with a fork. Make sure the holes are close together you can make a pattern if you like. Once done slowly drip Orange/lemon mixture over the entire cake with a table spoon then let cool and consume 😀

The orange lemon mixture consists of:

175grams or 0.7 cups (0.4 pounds or 6 ounces) of brown sugar

The freshly pressed juice of two large lemons and two large oranges

Optionally the cake can be decorated with caramelized orange slices or peels.

Enjoy !

The death of Martin Richard and why we are all responsible…


The Boston shootings are horrible especially the death of that little boy Martin Richard who was only 8 😦

But seriously does this surprise any of you? We life in an overpopulated space crammed up like sardines, the divide between those that have and those that suffer and do not have is becoming bigger every day as are the numbers of those who do not have. We live in a world where we teach our children that killing and enslavement is ok if you find the right reason.

Oh these beings taste good so we will enslave and torture them, steal their children and feast on their corpses. Do you not see that this is the first step into the desensitization of violence? Then the same kids are brainwashed to believe that their country is the best and that anyone who lives or thinks differently is inferior. They are taught that we have the right to infiltrate and wage war on other countries because of our “moral superiority”. That war justifies killing, that innocents killed during war are and appropriate price to pay. We teach our children to disrespect the planet they live on, to ravage it to feed our greed.

We feed these children of ours gen manipulated food which is proven to kill rats, impair cognitive function, we drink water laced with heavy metals known to impair both cognitive and emotional centers in the brain. So why on earth does it surprise you that our society is becoming more and more dysfunctional and violent ? And more importantly I ask -if this act of violence that happened in Boston, or any act for that matter, bothers you – what are you doing to prevent it?

What are you doing to make this world a safe and better place? The fight begins and ends with you, with every choice you make, every action you undertake, every person/organization you support, every time you turn a blind eye to injustice or take the convenient way out. Are you still waiting for some savior or politician to set the world straight? Then let me tell you they are not coming it is up to you to be your own savior, grow up!Take responsibility and do what you can in your field of influence and it will spread and ripple I promise you!

R.I.P Little Martin Richard may the world learn the right thing from your death and finally get it! My condolences, well wishes and prayers go out to your family who is still praying for your mother and sister to recover ❤

Alex of Mutanthouse 2013

Save Mutanthouse!

help 2

Dear friends and supporters we are in trouble here at Mutanthouse. We are 60 days past due on or mortgage. How did we get here? Well a series of very unfortunate events. As you know I (Alex) have been out of work for four years but have been managing by the skin of my teeth, odd jobs , selling my furniture , artwork, Student loans and the likes.
Well the last two months we had a lot of unexpected vet costs and Kay and Tim where evicted from the apartment they were renting across the street. The plan was to fix up the house and then transfer them over but fate wanted it otherwise.

The cleanup and making habitable of some of the rooms cut further into our budget but we thought we would be ok because My (Alex) tax return was going to come in and so was Kay and Tim’s. Then Tim’s place of employment shut down for renovation because he is hourly and not salaried this means two weeks’ worth of pay are not coming in. But we still thought it would be tight but ok because of the tax return – Wrong!

Well the IRs decided to audit my tax return which means that the money will come in god knows when. My scholarship money won’t be here until 4 more weeks by then we will be 3 months past due and they will foreclose on us. The total that we owe them to date is $1342.83 we have $715 of that together which would be one month’s worth plus late fee, but here is the kicker they refuse to take it! They want all or nothing; basically it seems to us that they want our house – but we are not dead yet.

The amount we need is $627.83 we will try anything we can to get the money together but if any of you can contribute and donate to this Wepay I just set up > < we would be more than thankful. In 4 more weeks we will be up and running without a problem but right now everything seems to be out of whack. If you can help please do we are so close to making this place a reality and a benefit to so many animals and people…we do not want to have to give up so close to our goal.
Thank you all for your continued support



State of the Nation February 24, 2013


Greetings Fans and supporters and Planet.

Mutanthouse is in flux, chaos and transformation. In a way Tim and Kay’s eviction from the apartment we rented across the street was the kick in the tuches we needed to get in gear. As is Kay and Tim and their furries will be moving into the main house in six days and we have been trying to make it as liveable as possible. At the moment we are somewhat monetarily challenged because my school funds have come in yet, Tim’s hours at work have been cut to almost half and we used our emergency budget to try to save poor Axel the Parvo puppy.


Despite our challenges we are confident that 2013 is going to be the year of big positive transformation at Mutanthouse.
Within the next 5 weeks we intend on moving me down stairs, Moving Kay and Tim upstairs, having pluming fixed, Creating and planting the first part of our vegetable garden, painting the face of the house blue , prettying up the front yard, finally moving Lucky and Burt Burt inside… We will be posting Pictures and keeping you updated.

If you would like to help us there are two ways you can do this:
1-by donating funds here > Our donation link >


Any amount no matter how small helps and is greatly appreciated! All donations will be used to fix the house and foster the Project, buy supplies for our garden and seeds, make sure the Furries are vetted, fed and spoiled or to helping abused and neglected animals and children in our neighborhood. If you have specific wishes what your donation should go to please specify it in the comment or send us a message to our Facebook page ( )


Or another way you can help is donating physical Items both used and new. We appreciate all gifts this is a great way of getting rid of stuff you might not need and helping us build the project and help animals and children.

What we need >

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For the furries:
Dog beds , cat beds, blankets , Dog food cat food , dog houses (for dogs who have no shelter in the neighbourhood), gift cards to pets mart , dog brushes , leashes , cat toys , dog toys, cat litter, litter boxes , scratch trees , cat and dog furniture , treats , collars , bowls , towels , Pet crates and whatever else you might think is useful.

14383930-dirty-under-construction-sign copy For the house we need:

Glass bricks, paint , Wood ( ply wood , beams , studs , panels ) , a cement mixer , shingles for both roof and house , nails , polyurethane, power tools , tools , window glass , old doors , old windows , cement , Cog , sand , gravel , tiles , bricks, stone blocks , pipes , wiring , scaffolding , ladders , ducttape , roller pins , paint brushes , wallpaper , wallpaper glue, buckets , gutters , wire , wood beams , poles , bamboo fencing , fence pieces (both chain link and wood ) , gates and fence posts and whatever else you might think is useful.

For the garden we need:
Seeds , planters , fruit trees , plants , nut trees ,garden tools , arbours , decorative items , play ground toys for neighbourhood kids , bamboo trees and seeds , benches, tables for the community space, pots, concrete tiles , stone tiles, Train ties, boulders, gravel, bricks, fertile soil, bio mulch, bio compost, wheel barrows, garden hoses and watering cans, rain barrels, wine barrels and whatever else you might think is useful.

So that pretty much sums it up for now as always thank you for your support , wish us luck 🙂