Amyrah needs your help

As many of you know Kay and Alex saved two dogs from the dog fighting scum who lived next door and then got arrested. Alex took in Bhaaloo and Kay took in little momma, who we renamed Amyrah.

Both Pooches where obviously abused. Bhaaloo seemed to have recovered better from it then poor Amyrah she was so timid, terrified of men and scared of her own Shadow.

( poor Little Sad Amyrah before we rescued her 😦 )

As you guys might remember the fool who owned her prior had all his dogs chained to trees without shelter and often without food or water. At some point he put out one oil barrel for all four dogs that was never used by any of them because it had the tendency to roll down the hill and he never bothered to retrieve it.
(the Barrel 😡 )

Kay started feeding the pooches because we could not look at them every day and watch them suffer.Then I (Alex)organized dog houses for them as part of our give a pooch house program.

Two months went by where we had to watch the pooches miserable little lives, Amyrah’s chain was far too big for her and she would drag it behind her like the ball and chain of death. She was terrified of it so she would move slowly because she hated the sound it made.
Then Mario was arrested and we deliberated long what could be done …As you know Bhaaloo went to live with Me (Alex) and Amyrah first moved into one of our outside pens.

Slowly she warmed up to Kay, but it was a very painful process. Poor Amyrah was terrified and any wrong move could send her to crawl into her doghouse 😦

A few days before Halloween We decided to bring her into the house because there was talk of idiots targeting Pitbulls on Halloween and we did not want to take a chance that the little girl could get hurt.
Amyrah was so grateful and happy and she got on so well with Kay and Tim’s cats that they decided to keep her inside permanently. She has not been integrated into their pack yet but we are working on it 🙂

(taking Walks is fun- Amyrah discovers the world beyond the chain )

(cuddling with Momma on the sofa )

(happy baby learns to Smile )

At this point she is trusting and stable enough that we can finally take her to our vet. The last 2 months however have depleted our veterinary budget and we are hoping that maybe some of you can help us with her upcoming vet bill she will need to get a full physical including heartworm test and her shots.
We are thinking everything will run around $150-200. If you could contribute toward this we would be more than thankful as you know we are not a non profit yet and 99% is coming out of our own pockets.
Her chip in is here >

Any amount is appreciated no matter how small.

Thank you for your interest and continued support –

Alex and Amyrah

(sleeping on the couch with her favourite toy )

Update on Wifi the Puppy :D

So our little guy is now home and doing really well all things considered. He is on antibiotics and pain killers and is forced to wear “the Evil cone “. Our vet says his chances are really good athat an amputation will not happen – YaY! He is a real trooper and complains little, he is alert and sweet and thankful for any bit of love he gets. He is eating well we have a little video for you guys here of him eating lunch – we apologise for the darkness it was done in Morgaine’s living room which does not have a lot of natural light. > Video >
There are new pix of him in his recovery album >
as well as his personal album. >
And the Group shots Album 😀 >
Enjoy 😀

Tim and Wifi 😀

In the next days he will Also have his own Page 😀 Once again all of you for the support and all the help 🙂
Namaste Alex

Wifi the puppy – mini update!

Just called the vet Wifi is doing well, the stitches are holding and everything seems like it might heal without amputation. Wifi was fed and ate well 😀 , he was able to pee which is a really good sign . All in all he is in good spirits I will be calling the vet around three to see if I (Alex) can take him home. Because he cannot keep warm by himself I bought him a few sweaters and an extra soft puppy bed. There will be pictures 😉 He will be on a high end speciality diet to fatten him up and will need regular vet care for a while , but we are very optimistic that this little guy will not only pull through but thrive 😉 Once again thank you everyone for helping and sharing.

Wifi the puppy- Update

Update so far Little Wifi is staying the night at our vet . he received minor surgery to put his poor penis back in its sheath then our vet stitched his shaft and is hoping it will heal . tomorrow we will assess if he can go home . If things are not better by tomorrow our vet will have to amputate a part if not all of his poor penis 😦 Our baby was treated for hookworms and fleas and was well fed tonight . i will update everyone tomorrow. We at Mutanthouse would like to thank all the kind people donating toward Wifi’s vetbill it has been a blessing and really helps a lot ❤

Pray For LUNA :(

Our Luna is not doing well at all she is weak , hardly eating anything and it seems very tired 😦 I (Alex) am extreamly worried and saddened by this Luna has been my companion for the last 13 years and while i know that she has lived a good and full life (and longer then any vet’s prognosis) i just can’t imagine a life without her .

PLEASE PRAY FOR LUNA – she really needs it .

and if you would like to help with her growing vet bills you can donate here >

Or Message me and i can give you the number of the vet where you can leave a credit on the account . – thank you all !