State of the Nation June 5, 2013 very very Long post!

Long time no post, I am well aware and apologise. Things have been quite chaotic here at Mutanthouse but we are working though it. Our financial situation is not the best but it has improved I (Alex) finally received my school funding and Tim has been getting more hours at work. All in all we are only 5 days late on the Mortgage and more money is coming in July which will bring us current.

All in all the past few months have been a challenge My health has been more than wonky, some of our furries had medical emergencies, and we had to take in new residents and some refugees. Once again we had to fight the false allegations of our nemesis across the street( the retched guardian of Poor Axel who we tried to save earlier this year) who has been calling the city and animal control on us claiming anything from that we are collecting trash behind the house to fighting our dogs. We are well aware it is retaliation for making his abuse and neglect of poor Axel Public and while the constant visitations from the law are frustrating they are also unfounded so there are no real consequences just annoyance. We can live with that, and do not regret trying to save his dog nor holding him accountable for his death!

New residents

cats and Kittehs:

In the past few Months we have taken in two more pooches in need and three more kittehs.
The first to Move in was little Oliver a male tuxedo cat who sat in front of Kay and Tim’s door and proclaimed he was moving in. Then there was little Sebastian who Kay found in the Wal-Mart parking lot and the last of the Kittehs to join was Bastet Delilah who like Oliver sat in front of the door for 3 days till we decided that one more won’t kill us. but someone in the cat underworld must be giving out our address because they keep shoeing up 😛

new cats

The ballad of Little Captain Jack Sparrow and Titine Atari Starfire Empress of Bahuahua:

This part is both sad and happy so brace yourselves. My daughter called me for help she had been trying to help a little boy puppy that was very ill and dying because his guardians forced him baby food when he had become too weak to suckle. The house the poor Pup lived in was a pestilent hell hole full of faeces and cockroaches. The people living there had 5 dogs, two males and 3 females, who all had puppies because those ignorant idiots refused to have all but one of their dogs spayed and neutered. All the puppies where flea and worm ridden and smelled so bad I almost vomited. From the first littler only one little eight week old female was left over. Overall she seemed to be in Ok shape although her belly was grossly extended due to parasite infestation. The second litter, to which the little male puppy belonged, were all four weeks old. All of them where under weight and parasite ridden but the little male was by far the worst off. I (Alex) decided to take him to our vet and whilst driving decided that he was not going to go back there if he would survive. We noticed that the little guy had only one eye and taking that for inspiration we named him Captain Jack Sparrow hoping that the Pirate’s luck in dodging death would rub off on the little guy. It seemed for a little while that he would make it but in the end the worm infestation was too severe and we lost him. I was devastated because he had fought so hard to live. We took Jack home and buried him under our Chinese plum. Although you where just with us for a few hours we love you little jack may you sail the sea of souls happily till we meet again I salute you <3.


We went back to the house of horror to update his former family and to deworm the remaining puppies. I also brought a shot for the little girl because her guardian said that she would not afford to give her her shots when I explained how dangerous Parvo was the woman told me she had had a previous littler that had died from it in the house. Yet she was giving me attitude and was not willing to let the puppy get her shots. 50$ later the pup was mine and we named her Titine Atari Starfire. In two weeks we will be deworming the remaining pups of horror house and will try to find them homes if possible . We are not sure how far these people will let us help though because they waver between threats and greed.

Meet Titine :


The Little girl has recovered well from her worm infestation and is growing like a weed. Titine is very popular of course Momma Moo has taken her under her wing and is (S)mothering her 😉 Wifi is completely in love with her and engages in long howl sessions. And she loves Her auntie Kay and Uncle Tim.



Wifi the magnificent:

As you can see in the Picture Our WiFi has grown up to be a strong young man. His problems with gait and running have vanished and he recovered well from his operation. In July he will be undergoing “the Procedure”. We will keep you updated.Our WiFi is very dramatic in nature and very vocal which got him the nick name Dennis Rodman of dogs :p We believe that if he where not a Dog he would be a drag queen with his own show in Hollywood. His favorite pastimes are eating, which is the reason of one of his other nicknames chubby or Chubbo. His best friends are Bhaaloo and Malcolm who he adores and little Titine is the apple of his eye.


Amyrah the Survivour:

Another success story is our Amyrah remember the little shy girl who was afraid of her own shadow well now she is a happy well adjusted girl who is part of the young pack. We are so happy she has found her way out of her shell 😀



So what else is new at Mutanthouse?

Well we had a few Birthdays. Moobert and Mooria turned 7 on March 10th, Bhaaloo turned 1 on April 3rd, I (Alex) Turned 45(ouch)on April 13th,Cassiopeia turned 6 on May 17th and Kay turned 33. The next Birthday coming up will be Tim’s on June 21st 🙂 Oh and Tim is training for the Boston Marathon and will be running a half marathon in Greensboro in October. Go TIM!


The cat room

We decided to clear out and rearrange the cat room we got rid of all the damaged toys and are currently working on turning several huge branches that was torn down during a storm into a giant cat tree. We will keep you updated on the progress.


As always the Vet bills are killing us between routine checkups, heartworm medication and shots between all our furry beings the cost are up there , add in the occasional rescue , us helping those who refuse to help their animals and random antecedents and the Pacman of wallets does his deed.

PicMonkey Collage

Our Bhaloo got into a scuffle needed an operation on his ear >

bhaaloo ear

Our Sophia has been struggling with her allergies and tested heartworm positive 😦 , we had a lot of Rabies shots last month and Harriet still has issues with her colitis.


If you would like to make a donation to help us with our vet costs or our project in general here is the link to our

WePay >


The refugees:


We have taken in some refugees at Mutanthouse My daughter Morgaine and her fiance Franky were evicted from their home. We decided to let them stay here with my grand furries Misty, Molly,Roy,Tequila and Garfield until things get better. because they are not vegans ands also are not currently interested in becoming part of the project there status here is defined as refugees 😉

The amazing Grand Furries:


The garden:

This years garden is very simple no raised beds no real structure but it is a garden and out first step into that venture, We have tomatoes,bell peppers,peppers, watermelons and squash. We have 2 fig trees , 2 banana trees and one pair tree. Our boison berries yelded great this year and we are expanding 🙂


As for myself My health has not been the best so I am trying to go completely raw vegan and want to see if I cannot fix my situation or at least massively improve it.One thing I am planning is to get a membership at the local YCWA so I can go swimming and get some exercise. Tim and I found a Farmers market and a family of farmers who are cutting us great deals so suddenly Raw seems achievable.  I will be documenting my progress on on a Facebook page called Reclaiming Life >

and on a Blog >

under the same name within the next days.
To date my fave raw dish is spiralised Zucchini with tomatoes 😀


So that concludes This monster Update, thank you for your interest and continued support. i leave you with this last bit of wisdom 😉




The story of Axel the Parvo puppy <3 R.I.P


This is sweet Little Axel who died a horrible death because of irresponsible guardians. We at Mutanthouse had offered to vaccinate our poor little doggy friend as soon as we noticed that Our Neighbor who has a history of animal neglect had him. We were sent away with insults.

Two days ago another Neighbour begged us to help poor Axel because he was sick and Axel’s Mother had asked him for help because her boyfriend was not willing to pay for a vet to see him. Axel had Parvo and we thought he had a good chance because he had only a low grade fever..We put him on IV fluids, Antibiotic and the usual anti vomit b12 cocktail that our vet made for us. Our vet also noticed he had a heart murmur which worried me (Alex) but considering that he was responsive we hoped it would not become a problem.

Sadly Axel passed away …This was an UNNECESSARY DEATH! This did not have to happen had his guardians taken their beer money and had given him his immunizations or at least let us do it for their lazy careless behinds! Axel’s Dad is a repeat offender yet the law does nothing to prevent people like him to neglect and kill their fur children Axel’s mom was to afraid to stand up for her pup till it was too late…please learn from these peoples mistakes and do not be like them PARVO KILLS! Vaccinate your Animal companions!

Please spare a prayer for little Axel may he run free over the rainbow bridge and please educate anyone you know who is neglecting their animal companions medical care.

Run free little baby Axel it was an honour to know you R.I.P you will be missed and never forgotten ♥

Please help Wifi the Puppy

We found Wifi Last night. Left to die in the cold he was Emaciated, dehydrated, covered in blood and fleas with an injury to his genitals..We are bringing him to our vet in the next hour and desperately need help with the vet bill because he might need an operation. If you can help we would be very grateful any amount no matter how little would help immensely. Here is our chip in > < Or if you rather call our vet an contribute there call in ( 3368893832)and tell them it is for Alexandra von Streer Henderson’s account and that it is for Wifi the puppy. If you cannot donate you will help us a lot if you can share this ad pass this on through the dog networks. Mutanthouse is not a non profit yet therefore it all comes out of Alex’s, Tim's and Kay’s pocket. Thank you so much for your assistance we will keep you updated.

Help save Face !

This is Face

and this is his stupid Guardian Mario!

I used to like Mario until I saw how he treats his dogs. Face lives in a back yard shared with Morgaine. This Back yard has no fence so Face runs free; face also has no shelter and lives totally unprotected by the elements. Sometimes he is fed sometimes not his existence is miserable …

Face has a sister who also belongs to Mario she lives in a small oil barrel and is tied to a tree on a short chain. Of late Face has become aggressive, Kay who is boarding with Morgaine and will be living in one of the apartments ,until her and Tim’s pod is built on the property ,brought Ren out last night and Face attacked her without warning, she is ok but has cuts on her face and head 😦 Today face lunged at me from the bushes until he realised who I was. This cannot keep going on!

We have talked to Mario and he is always apologetic and polite but does absolutely nothing, we are sick of it! something bad is going to happen and someone is going to get hurt , we have kids running around on the property … If we call Animal control these Dogs will be taken and killed and we do not want this either. Right now Mutanthouse is full up with furries and at our absolute maximum capacity until things get better we cannot take Face or his sister who is unsprayed and going into heat (which means puppies are inevitable if we do not do something :P).

This is what we need we need two solid doghouses and fencing so we can build two kennels for face and his sister. We will need 2 tarps to create a roofed area as well. We also would like to start feeding the two because they are not being fed regularly but are struggling with food supply our selves. We want to see if we can get the Mobile vet to come out and give them their shots too because we know Mario has not vetted them 😦 but we do not have the funds to do so and might have to settle for making them comfortable and fed . Regardless of our own struggles we cannot stand blindly and just watch but we also cannot go over our capacity and compromise the life quality of our residents. We need your help! Mario will probably not agree to have Face’s sister spayed, we believe he might be breeding her and selling the pups. So we will have to grit our teeth and do what we can do.

If you are willing to help and can donate the needed items (we really would prefer this!) or would like to make a cash donations > the Face Fund please do we need all the help we can get High point is flooded with unwanted, neglected and brutalised Furries , the good rescues (like Rufflove rescue > LIKE THEIR PAGE ! & Great Dane Friends of Ruff Love LIKE THEIR PAGE ! ) are full up and the shelters around here are executing fur kids on intake! Please help save or at least make life better for the suffering, pass on rescue and foster requests , donate to Rescues not kill shelters and ABOVE ALL SPAY AND NEUTER YOUR FURRIES !