Concrete canvas, Mutanthouse’s Future ?

I really am interested  in this material and am hoping to be able to procure some. i wrote the company an email , making inquiries on  price , shipping and  if they would be willing to donate leftover material …we shall see  what they answer, i will keep you updated !  This could be a major breakthrough for the project because I could build a lot on my own !

Mutanthouse Wants YOU!!!

 The Mutanthouse project was originally just designed as blog that was to follow the transformation of my house and property into a self-sustaining eco-Earthship-tree-house-hybrid.  I wanted to  make my home a place that would  reflect my beliefs and  provide a better living  quality for my Dog’s  and myself .  At some point I realised that there had to be  others out there that where struggling  that did not have the home base which  they could build upon , that was the moment I decided that I wanted to expand the project  and open it up to others in need of a home and security. The idea to transform my property into a self-sustaining microcomutinty with a communal man house and smaller interconnected personal units began to form.  Having a place to call home, where you can express your self is more valuable than one thinks, and I want to provide this for others. You can find some of my general ideas for the project on the mutant house blog mentioned above but also a condensed version on my TMS blog (  ).

If you are interested in assisting with the project with ideas, labour or resources please contact me here and we can exchange emails if needed ;). I am in dire need of help, architecture students who want to go wild and build something are welcome as is anyone with any idea or contribution they would like to realise on the premises that is in alignment with the general ideology of mutant house.

If you think you would like to become a part of the Mutant house family as permanent resident of the project, please read the blog first and be aware that we will need to be in agreement with a few key factors. A community can only work if there is a common ideology and shared core beliefs, while there are always variations and one must be willing to compromise there are some points I am not willing to compromise on when it comes to sharing my life and living space:

1) Religious tolerance – I personally believe in GOD, but my view does not necessarily fit any margin. My belief enriches my life but it is not the focal point of my humanitarian or eco-political work. If you ask me  what I believe I will tell you but seriously it is not  really important to me  when it comes to interpersonal  communication and friendship . Your actions are what are important to me, and the things you stand for.   I have friends from all faiths as well as agnostic and Atheist friends. I will not tolerate any bashing from any side, logical discussions are fine  but anyone living here should feel comfortable  living their  belief, or lack of ,  without having the feeling of being  belittled , force-converted or looked down upon .

If you are of faith and cannot live with an atheist without constantly trying to convert them and telling them that they will go to hell or whatever other thing you might believe- Mutant house is not for you.

If you are an Atheist and constantly feel the need to make fun of or belittle another’s faith, or make snide comments on their intelligence  just for believing something  Mutant house is not for you – Pure and simple.


2) I am a vegan for both ethical but also for ecological reasons. At this current point of our history the support of the meat/Dairy /egg industry is one of the least publicised crimes towards the sustainability of resources and our planets survival.  Considering that it is one of the largest contributing factors to Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and the depletion of our rainforests, I cannot compromise on the following- within Mutanthouse; anyone wanting to become permanent resident within the project should be either Vegan or Vegetarian.

3) Animals, trees and children at Mutant house are to be treated with respect and none violently. No animal will be killed, or physically punished on the premises. Parents who are permanent residents should be in agreement that children raised here will never be subject to physical or emotional violence. None of the trees on the property will be chopped down just because they might be “in the way!”  These trees have lived here long before we did and we will find ways to build around them!

4) Any person applying for permanent residentship  will have to live here for a trial period  of six months, which will either be extended if the existing residents need more time to decide , or a final decision will be agreed upon by the existing residents.  A permanent resident will then receive all rights to vote on major decisions within the project, create projects of their own as well as claiming permanent living space on the compound which will be designed and agreed upon in communion with the existing residents.

All this being said  I am  really looking for people  who want to live and work with me on this project , so if you need a place to stay , live and grow  let me know !

Mutanthouse as functioning micro community

I haven’t been posting   much of late, mostly because I have been crunching numbers, intaking new ideas and concepts. In the last  month I have realised something , while  it is inherently important to me  to  make  this home a safe please for my animals and myself , The idea of  sharing this  space with other like minded people has become  equally important.

My property might be in a less favourable part of town, but it is inherently beautiful with wonderful trees and vast opportunities. My neighbourhood in many ways reflects the global issues we are facing so it is actually the ideal vintage point to prove that change is possible.

If I ( I hope one day we )  succeed into making this place  a functioning  micro community , it will not only  turn this  piece of land into  an example of  a functioning concept, but also become a beckon of hope  for this struggling  town. Not only could this place become home to people, but we could also actively help the community, by sharing the produce grown here with our struggling neighbours.  We could also help make life better for the multitude of stray animals in this neighbourhood , as well as provide  help with homework  for kids, a safe place to play (playground ) … things like that . If we run out of space and we find the funding we could expand   , there is a lot of unstructured property surrounding mine as well as an array of abandoned and deteriorating properties.

We could offer services to the community which they could intern exchange for services of their own. Maybe at some point we could open a small onsite and online school because education is a great platform to implement change.

Right now a lot of people are hurting, they have nowhere to go, or the existing family-structures have failed them. This could be an opportunity to be a different kind of family, a sanctuary for those who have not found their spot yet: or/and a transition gateway for those who want to build similar projects of their own. I am aware that  in the end I cannot do this on my own  but I am sort of  bopping that the magic of “if you build it they will come “ will work here , and that  something valuable will come of this.

I am aware that  there are things  that will need to be , thought out more in detail : that maybe not all people interested will turn out to be compatible , but we will  have to just  go though the trial and error  process.  It is definitely better than doing nothing or giving up.

If it works however this place could become a little utopian island in a rocky sea, it could also inspire others that might be in a similar situation like me to do the same. We could incorporate and teach awesome philosophies such as Resourced based economy, sustainable living and renewable energy, holistic medicine ect.  The things we invent and create could be placed under creative commons and open source, there is just so much that could be done.   I would really like it to come to that  🙂