Save Mutanthouse!

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Dear friends and supporters we are in trouble here at Mutanthouse. We are 60 days past due on or mortgage. How did we get here? Well a series of very unfortunate events. As you know I (Alex) have been out of work for four years but have been managing by the skin of my teeth, odd jobs , selling my furniture , artwork, Student loans and the likes.
Well the last two months we had a lot of unexpected vet costs and Kay and Tim where evicted from the apartment they were renting across the street. The plan was to fix up the house and then transfer them over but fate wanted it otherwise.

The cleanup and making habitable of some of the rooms cut further into our budget but we thought we would be ok because My (Alex) tax return was going to come in and so was Kay and Tim’s. Then Tim’s place of employment shut down for renovation because he is hourly and not salaried this means two weeks’ worth of pay are not coming in. But we still thought it would be tight but ok because of the tax return – Wrong!

Well the IRs decided to audit my tax return which means that the money will come in god knows when. My scholarship money won’t be here until 4 more weeks by then we will be 3 months past due and they will foreclose on us. The total that we owe them to date is $1342.83 we have $715 of that together which would be one month’s worth plus late fee, but here is the kicker they refuse to take it! They want all or nothing; basically it seems to us that they want our house – but we are not dead yet.

The amount we need is $627.83 we will try anything we can to get the money together but if any of you can contribute and donate to this Wepay I just set up > < we would be more than thankful. In 4 more weeks we will be up and running without a problem but right now everything seems to be out of whack. If you can help please do we are so close to making this place a reality and a benefit to so many animals and people…we do not want to have to give up so close to our goal.
Thank you all for your continued support



State of the Nation February 24, 2013


Greetings Fans and supporters and Planet.

Mutanthouse is in flux, chaos and transformation. In a way Tim and Kay’s eviction from the apartment we rented across the street was the kick in the tuches we needed to get in gear. As is Kay and Tim and their furries will be moving into the main house in six days and we have been trying to make it as liveable as possible. At the moment we are somewhat monetarily challenged because my school funds have come in yet, Tim’s hours at work have been cut to almost half and we used our emergency budget to try to save poor Axel the Parvo puppy.


Despite our challenges we are confident that 2013 is going to be the year of big positive transformation at Mutanthouse.
Within the next 5 weeks we intend on moving me down stairs, Moving Kay and Tim upstairs, having pluming fixed, Creating and planting the first part of our vegetable garden, painting the face of the house blue , prettying up the front yard, finally moving Lucky and Burt Burt inside… We will be posting Pictures and keeping you updated.

If you would like to help us there are two ways you can do this:
1-by donating funds here > Our donation link >


Any amount no matter how small helps and is greatly appreciated! All donations will be used to fix the house and foster the Project, buy supplies for our garden and seeds, make sure the Furries are vetted, fed and spoiled or to helping abused and neglected animals and children in our neighborhood. If you have specific wishes what your donation should go to please specify it in the comment or send us a message to our Facebook page ( )


Or another way you can help is donating physical Items both used and new. We appreciate all gifts this is a great way of getting rid of stuff you might not need and helping us build the project and help animals and children.

What we need >

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For the furries:
Dog beds , cat beds, blankets , Dog food cat food , dog houses (for dogs who have no shelter in the neighbourhood), gift cards to pets mart , dog brushes , leashes , cat toys , dog toys, cat litter, litter boxes , scratch trees , cat and dog furniture , treats , collars , bowls , towels , Pet crates and whatever else you might think is useful.

14383930-dirty-under-construction-sign copy For the house we need:

Glass bricks, paint , Wood ( ply wood , beams , studs , panels ) , a cement mixer , shingles for both roof and house , nails , polyurethane, power tools , tools , window glass , old doors , old windows , cement , Cog , sand , gravel , tiles , bricks, stone blocks , pipes , wiring , scaffolding , ladders , ducttape , roller pins , paint brushes , wallpaper , wallpaper glue, buckets , gutters , wire , wood beams , poles , bamboo fencing , fence pieces (both chain link and wood ) , gates and fence posts and whatever else you might think is useful.

For the garden we need:
Seeds , planters , fruit trees , plants , nut trees ,garden tools , arbours , decorative items , play ground toys for neighbourhood kids , bamboo trees and seeds , benches, tables for the community space, pots, concrete tiles , stone tiles, Train ties, boulders, gravel, bricks, fertile soil, bio mulch, bio compost, wheel barrows, garden hoses and watering cans, rain barrels, wine barrels and whatever else you might think is useful.

So that pretty much sums it up for now as always thank you for your support , wish us luck 🙂

Siggy wants his mommy or Help Bring Siegfried Home

Dear friends and supporters as you might know Siegfried one of our rescue pups we saved from the streets of High Point does not get along with our other dogs. Otherwise he is a big loving goof who wants nothing more than to lick and love on you and is a great companion period. We at Mutanthouse have found the perfect home for our boy, with Alex’ friend T-ray -who can’t wait to be with her new family member.

This is our dilemma the trip to Atlanta from High Point (round-trip) will cost between $480 and $500. While we can probably come up with a third between Tim and Alex once money comes in it will not be until the end of October. Currently Siegfried is living in Kay’s car because, like his human counterpart, he is a master escape artist. He has eaten though crates, the outside kennel we built and basically lives confined to the car and the 4 time a day play time we can give him. This is not a life for a dog!

(Siegfried on the day of his neutering. Not a happy pup 😦 – Tim is holding him and in the back you can see the car he has been living in – we need to get him out and with his mommy – please help < so we can bring him ourselves we would be so very thankful. Please help us get Siegfried to the loving home he deserves.

Thank you