The story of Axel the Parvo puppy <3 R.I.P


This is sweet Little Axel who died a horrible death because of irresponsible guardians. We at Mutanthouse had offered to vaccinate our poor little doggy friend as soon as we noticed that Our Neighbor who has a history of animal neglect had him. We were sent away with insults.

Two days ago another Neighbour begged us to help poor Axel because he was sick and Axel’s Mother had asked him for help because her boyfriend was not willing to pay for a vet to see him. Axel had Parvo and we thought he had a good chance because he had only a low grade fever..We put him on IV fluids, Antibiotic and the usual anti vomit b12 cocktail that our vet made for us. Our vet also noticed he had a heart murmur which worried me (Alex) but considering that he was responsive we hoped it would not become a problem.

Sadly Axel passed away …This was an UNNECESSARY DEATH! This did not have to happen had his guardians taken their beer money and had given him his immunizations or at least let us do it for their lazy careless behinds! Axel’s Dad is a repeat offender yet the law does nothing to prevent people like him to neglect and kill their fur children Axel’s mom was to afraid to stand up for her pup till it was too late…please learn from these peoples mistakes and do not be like them PARVO KILLS! Vaccinate your Animal companions!

Please spare a prayer for little Axel may he run free over the rainbow bridge and please educate anyone you know who is neglecting their animal companions medical care.

Run free little baby Axel it was an honour to know you R.I.P you will be missed and never forgotten ♥